|Y| The History of the Ottoman Empire (All Blogs) - 1299 - 1922 (16sixteen Blog) |Y|

 (16)  when the sultan stirred up the ottoman counter coup with his promises to restore the ottoman caliphate and sharia legal system if his autocratic power was restored despite the fair amount of support the counter coup was quickly quelled after a short stint of control in istanbul from sultan abdul hamid supporters the young turk government was restored and the sultan was ultimately deposed and replaced by mehmed v in a purely symbolic role as stability within the empire continued conflict in the balkans suddenly skyrocketed the christians of macedonia including serbs bulgarians lochs and greeks in 

addition to the albanians were heavily dissatisfied with the neglect they felt that they had received from the new ottoman government which was overly focused on centralized control in the first balkan war broke out with a declaration of war on turkey by montenegro on october th the contestants of the conflict consisted of the balkan league on one side made up of serbia bulgaria montenegro and greece against the weakened ottoman empire while russia was not directly involved in the discord they did give their favor to the balkan league which aimed to seize macedonia from the ottomans with their 

strong army the struggle was really only such for the ottomans as the balkan coalition utterly routed their opponent on every front all while the balkan conflict carried on the ottomans were actually also locked into the italo-turkish war that started in after italy demanded that the turks give them territories in north africa the ottomans refused but italy took the territories by force rather easily stripping the ottomans of some of their only remaining african possessions italy gained today's libya and the 

dodecanese islands the collapsing ottoman empire stood no chance against the allied balkan powers and by december rd both sides were ready for an armistice a brief revival of the conflict came after the coup in january of raiding the sublime port and the government buildings and empowering the triumvirate of the three patches a peace treaty was finally signed in london four months later and officially stripped the ottomans of almost every european territory they had left including albania which would become independent and macedonia which would be split between the balkan nations although the turks were 

not extensively involved in the second balkan war which came as a consequence of disorder between romania serbia greece and bulgaria about the borders of their new macedonian possessions they did use the opportunity to retake adrian opal in a violation of their previous armistice with bulgaria in general elections now confirmed the cups authority and the ottoman imperial government was established in january of that year although going into the first world war the three pashas would remain the de facto rulers of the new military regime in the empire on october the ottoman empire officially entered world war one after signing the turko german

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